Posted by: Jason | January 25, 2008

Becoming a better friend…

Yesterday morning I met my good friend and running buddy Rob at Saratoga State Park for our weekly run. It was dark, cold (11 degrees to be exact), and perfect for an early morning run and chat. After a mile or so of steady running we both finally warmed up enough to carry on a conversation without shivering too much.

As the miles ticked by the conversation rolled on. As usual, the more miles we logged, the deeper the conversation became. This week we ended up talking about what it looks like to be a good friend and in some cases a not so good friend.

After our run I headed over to the Y, hit the showers, and headed off to work but could not stop analyzing the morning’s conversation. Am I guilty of the very things that I can be so intolerant of? After much thought I concluded that I have a lot to work on if I want to be the kind of friend that I expect out of my friends.

What does all of this rambling mean? Well, basically I am making the commitment in 2008 to be a better friend. Whether it means calling more frequently (especially when I don’t need something), asking less and giving more, returning phone calls and emails more promptly, or becoming a better listener, I am committing myself to becoming a better friend starting today.

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